
week 8/9 progress model

I tried to utilise different materials and decided to try fly screen material with boxboard. This was quite challenging due to the difficulty in sticking fly screen material to it self or even to the boxboard. I tried to utilise the similar technic used doing the paper model but didn't work as well as the paper model. But i am glad that I've tried this progress model to get used to range of materials and next time  i want to utilise similar materials I will switch the material from soft fly screen material to stronger or bendier metal material.


This activity was quite challenging due to errors, constant reattempts of creating components and adjusting distance and thickness, accidental selection of more than one components when extruding and loosing fusion files. But in the end i've gotten to a point where I've gained experience in creating planes and shapes through making mistakes and separating layers rather than having them structured form in the first place.

Week 7- light and scale- modelling activity

This model was created smaller than the previous models to efficiently utilise materials at home in the 1:100 scale. I've experimented with light using the flashlight at home to maximise the result of direct lighting to the rooms. The materials I've used includes mostly boxboard using techniques includes folding for parts of the staircase and the walls of the smaller room/base room. I also utilised paper to represent the floor and plastic sheet to represent a long window on an angle to let natural lighting in. - I will be further developing on the models to allow natural & artificial lighting to create an ideal atmosphere for my room Light from the right Light from the left (towards the plastic material) With human figures

Week 5- models using two different materials

I created models using two materials; paper and boxboard to experiment with what will help in the upcoming development of modelling ideas and designs. From this experience i decided to attempt to use paper and boxboard in combination to create a design representing 'ideal version' of my room.

Week 4- allocated collages- extended orthographic

I was allocated to collate the pedestrian movement. I have attempted to collage them in accordance to the time of pedestrian movement. As a group we have discussed allocations of who will be in charge of what elements of the assessment which for me has come down to the pedestrian movement. We were able to communicate with each other through message & Facebook and discussed time and medium of sharing files and as well as the details of adding names and ids of individuals in the group.

Week 4- Drawings

Week 4 drawings were generated to help the group understand my allocated area which was around the cafe.